The word *Yoga* is a Sanskrit term which means Union, and it is not used just to describe meditation, however instead it is a doorway leading into balancing your mental, physical and spiritual well-being. It has the distinction of being the oldest personal development technique known. Practiced for almost 5000 years, the body is gradually conditioned by emphasizing the strengthening of the mind and body, at the same time stimulating the soul - it is both a science and a philosophy.
Any man that practices Yoga is known as a Yogi, and any woman that practices Yoga is known as a Yogini. There are six traditional systems of Indian philosophy and this is one among them which is the functional science of the body and the mind. It is not just sitting in the lotus position and chanting but a vast subject that can take a lifetime to understand.
Yoga, by its very own nature, is very appropriate to address certain back problems like all of those that originate from postural alignment conditions and it is also listed among the best stress busters that you are able to find. This is similar to other complimentary therapies that people use. Many experts recommend the morning before breakfast as the best time for practicing it.
This ancient holistic system has many styles to it and some are given below:
Raja Yoga: This literally means kingly yoga and is one of the four main paths of yoga.
Kundalini Yoga - This is very popular and is a safe and unstressed practice, providing quick results.
Hatha Yoga is combined set of postures known as asanas and breath control known as pranayama and it is the foundation for modern postures or asanas.
Sahaja Yoga is an ideal way of meditation based on a practice called Self Realization (Kundalini awakening) which will be present in every human being.
Moksha Hot Yoga - This is another form of yoga performed in a heated room, combining the foundation of traditional yoga with the precision of therapeutic yoga. It is very popular and it is good for health.
The practice of Yoga is growing fast and becoming popular as it is not what is done to you but it is what you do. Women are encouraged to perform it as it is one of the best activities that you can do during the time that you are pregnant. Yoga is becoming popular among soldiers who are keen in working on their stamina, mental focus and flexibility as per Fit Yoga and the Associated Press. This is not just a physical exercise but also a discipline where inner harmony and a sense of well being is the aim.
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